Unlocking The Elements

How Earth, Air, Fire, and Water Influence Your Days

Ever wonder how to make astrology a living, breathing part of your daily routine? Let the elements guide you.

Earth, air, fire, and water. Each element of nature plays a foundational role in astrology.

To really understand the zodiac signs, you must first know the elements —a key piece of the astrological alphabet. Each element holds three signs within it and represents a different temperament or style.

  • Earth: grounded and practical

  • Air: uplifting and curious

  • Fire: excitable and bold

  • Water: emotional and intuitive

Do you want to know how the elements (and signs) feel and express as real living energies in this world, and not just mental concepts?

I’m going to show you how to do this by tracking the Moon and learning from your daily encounters and synchronicities.

When you learn this way, you integrate profound wisdom by connecting real lived experiences.

Like a personal quest on your own hero’s journey. The hero can’t have true realizations and a-ha moments by just learning about something. They must go out into the world and get their hands dirty!

Messages From The Moon

The Moon is a natural transmitter of energy. It’s the celestial body closest to us and acts as a mediator between the planets and Earth. One theory is that cosmic information is dispersed and received by Earth through the Moon.

The Moon moves quickly through the zodiac at 2.5 days per sign. The second fastest is Mercury who usually spends 2 to 3 weeks in one sign. The slowest is Pluto, spending 12 to 30 years in a sign. This shows just how speedy and changeable the Moon is!

In astrology, the Moon represents our emotional nature, feelings, and instincts. So when the Moon moves through each sign, it takes on the qualities of that sign and element, and disperses a mood into the human collective.

Track The Moon — Unlock The Elements!

Tracking the moon is an ancient and simple practice.

You can use an astrology app or moon calendar to check what sign the moon is in on any given day.

I have a free digital astro calendar you can add to any personal online calendar. It comes with the daily moon signs and other important astrological movements.

Alternatively, you can use astro-seek’s moon calendar webpage.


  1. Find what sign the Moon is in today (via app or astro calendar).

  2. Find the element for that sign below, and read about the emotional tone and effects.

  3. Reflect on the day — your feelings, experiences, events, and personal interactions that share the elemental themes.

    As you repeat this process, the elements will continue communicating with you through their symbolism and repeating patterns.

Elemental Moods

Each zodiac sign falls into one of the four elements.

Although each sign has its unique characteristics and motivations, the themes of each element infuse all signs under its domain.

Here’s what you can expect as the Moon moves through each element:

Fire Signs — Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

When the Moon dances through the fire signs, the heat is turned way up so get ready to feel spicy. A warm flame burns within, fuelling passions and giving you an extra boost of energy. With confidence and enthusiasm heightened, you may feel ready to conquer challenges that felt stuck before. This is a great time to pursue goals with fiery determination, just be mindful of excessive impulsivity and impatience. Fire is daring, bold, and down to par-taaaay. 


Air Signs—Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

As the Moon breezes through the air signs, your mind may be buzzing like a bee. There’s often a strong increase in mental activity, curiosity, and a need for intellectual stimulation. Communication and socializing become more enjoyable, and your thoughts can be quick and sharp. This is a more likely time for inspiring conversations, a flood of new ideas, and a desire to connect with fascinating people. Air is objective, fun, and loves to flirt (with people and life in general). 


Water Signs—Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

When the Moon swims through the water signs, emotions run deep like the ocean tides. You might be more in touch with your intuition, empathy, and sensitivity. This is a chance to embrace your sensitive side, nurture your emotional well-being, and find solace in introspection. Get cozy with self-care, calming rituals, and imaginative pursuits. Trust your gut instincts and let your emotions speak to you like a babbling brook. Water is romantic, tender, and desires to merge with others like a drop in the ocean. 


Earth Signs—Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

When the Moon wanders through the earth signs, you’re manifesting the non-physical into the physical realm, ready to build your dreams with steady determination. You can take care of business, organize your life, and get things done. Embrace the power of the five senses. Indulge in physical comforts and routines. Connect with nature's nurturing vibes. You're building a solid foundation for success and pleasure. Earth is grounded, practical, and highly sensual—so get in your body and enjoy all it has to offer. 

Your Moon Secrets Revealed

As the Moon moves through each sign, the collective tone is the same. But…

It affects each human differently based on their unique birth chart!

Let’s pretend an amusement park is the mood (aka sign energy) for the day.

Amusement parks have a specific vibe to them. They’re exciting, busy, and noisy with many options for entertainment.

But depending on who you are, you’ll gravitate to certain areas and activities of the park.

Some people love to play games and win prizes.

Some head straight to the water park and hit the crazy slides, while others float down the lazy river.

Some ride rollercoasters but have totally different reactions — screaming, swearing, laughing, or clenching their teeth.

Some simply go so their loved ones can have a good time but refuse to go on any rides. Maybe they enjoy the funnel cakes and candied apples instead.

So, like the daily moon sign, the overall vibe of the amusement park doesn’t change. It’s still busy, noisy, and exciting!

But every individual’s experience is unique to them depending on their natural tendencies and desires.

No two people are having the same experience even though they’re at the same place.

If you want to go deeper and discover the secrets of how the Moon’s movements affect YOU personally — check out my Moon Mapping guide.


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